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Helmets Repurposed

We swapped out all of our white helmets this year to match our green-helmeted Nucor teammates - but we didn't want to just throw away 200+ helmets.


Luckily our friends at Greenwell Plastics in Barrie, ON are passionate about displacing difficult-to-recycle plastic wastes from landfills, and happily turned our helmets into Muskoka chairs!


Check out the how-it's-made video below:



We were able to raffle these off to some lucky teammates, and the legacy of these white helmets gets to live on - not sitting in a landfill, but as beloved furniture pieces in the backyards of our teammates and their families.




2022 Nucor ESG Report


Nucor's annual ESG Report is available now - click here to read it.


Here's an excerpt from our CEO:


"Our ESG focus goes beyond environmental performance. Safety is Nucor's most important cultural value. Our 31,000 teammates continue to demonstrate their commitment to our goal of becoming the World's Safest Steel Company. In 2022, our team set a record low injury and illness rate for the fourth consecutive year. Twenty Nucor divisions went the entire year without a recordable injury, up from sixteen in 2021.


Our company has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. We are dedicated to building a more diverse and capable workforce as we grow. Inclusion and a sense of belonging are essential to our team-oriented culture which is based on trust and open communication.


I am inspired by the work our 31,000 teammates do every year to advance our sustainability goals. In this report, we share more details about these intiatives and the stories of how our teammates are putting our commitments into action.



Leon J. Topalian

Chair, President & Chief Executive Officer"


Grand Opening!






Last week, we celebrated the Grand Opening of our new building and structural mesh welder. It’s been a long few years to get up and running, but we were so excited to take the day to celebrate with all of our teammates!

We had good food and the weather held up, but the best part was the people who joined us for a fun day.


Special thanks to Councillor Paul Sharman for joining us, and to Terry Caddo and Scott Bridger at the Burlington Chamber of Commerce for joining and lending us the big scissors!


2021 Nucor Sustainability Report

Nucor's annual Sustainability Report is out - take a look at it here.


Here's a note from our CEO:


"Our accomplishments in the areas of sustainability and safety came during a year in which the Nucor Team produced record earnings, record revenue and record shipments, which shows that sustainability and profitability goals are quite compatible. We also completed capital investment projects and announced new ones that will add to our portfolio of clean steel products produced with lower emmisions.


In this report, you will learn more about these initiatives, as well as the other ways the Nucor team is improving our safety and environmental performance. I am incredibly proud of the work my 30,000 teammates are doing each day and to share our ESG progress with you.



Leon J Topalian

President & Chief Executive Officer"



We're hiring!

We currently have several job postings available, please  click here  to apply.


We look forward to meeting you!

Taking Part in the Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup





We have big news – we bought a Seabin!


We donated one of these trash-skimmers to our friends at the Hamilton Oshawa Port Authority, who are working with the Bay Area Restoration Council and Pollution Probe to clean up the Great Lakes as part of the Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup.


The Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup is the largest initiative of its kind in the world, using waste capture technolo

gy to remove plastics found in and around marinas in the Great Lakes region.


This past weekend we were invited to take part in their waste characterization study – we pulled on some gloves and sifted through the bin’s contents to remove a surprising amount of plastic.


We’re passionate about taking care of the environment around us, and we’re so excited to be part of this initiative. We have more information on the program available here, please take a look and let us know what you think!



Tree Planting for our Retirees

Last weekend, we were excited to resume our tradition of planting a tree to celebrate each of our retired teammates. We partner with the City of Burlington to plant trees in Sherwood Forest Park, our favourite park next door.


Though we missed a few years due the pandemic, we picked up right where we left off, and planted 30 trees in honour of the 30 retirees who have left us since the last planting.


This is always an exciting project for us each year - not only do we get to pay tribute to our hardworking teammates, but we get to contribute to our community and environment. As this park is so close to our facility, lots of us spend many evenings and weekends here, and it's a welcome reminder of our former teammates who help make Laurel what it is.







Nucor's 2020 Sustainability Report


Nucor has released their annual Sustainability Report, detailing all of Nucor's efforts to lead our industry in Environmental Responsibility.

This year, we are excited to be featured not once, but twice!

On page 36, you'll see how we've been raising funds to support our local Royal Botanical Gardens. The Growing Up Green educational programming at @rbgcanada are near and dear to our hearts, and we're proud to continue our monthly fundraisers this year for this program.

On page 39, you'll see our recent Tree Planting program to honour our retirees. We donate trees to our neighbouring city park, not only providing a a memorial space for our retirees, but supporting the neighbourhood environment.

Click here to see the entire 2020 Sustainability Report!



2 Million Accident Free Hours

For the past 6 years, Laurel Steel has successfully worked 2 million consecutive hours without a lost time accident.

At Laurel Steel, safety is our highest priority. We know that safety isn’t just a statistic; it’s the most important thing we do.

A big thank you to all our teammates here at Laurel who continue to embody our culture of "Safety First."  




For the second year in a row, Nucor Corporation (NYSE: NUE) was recognized as a General Motors Supplier of the Year during a virtual ceremony held on June 24, 2020. Less than one percent of GM's suppliers receive this award and Nucor remains the only electric arc furnace steelmaker to receive this recognition.


"On behalf of Nucor's 27,000 teammates, I want to thank GM for this award. We value the partnership we've built with GM, working together to meet their needs for automotive steel products. We look forward to continuing to grow as partners for years to come," said Leon Topalian, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nucor Corporation. "I would also like to congratulate my teammates on this award. It is an honor to receive this recognition for the second year in a row."


The Supplier of the Year award winners were chosen by a global team of GM purchasing, engineering, quality, manufacturing and logistics executives. Winners were selected based on performance criteria in Product Purchasing, Global Purchasing and Manufacturing Services, Customer Care and Aftersales, and Logistics. This is the 28th year GM has honored suppliers with the Supplier of the Year Award.


"Our suppliers play a key role in delivering the products, services and experiences our customers deserve – and these award-winning suppliers went above and beyond our expectations," said Shilpan Amin, GM vice president, Global Purchasing and Supply Chain.


Nucor and its affiliates are manufacturers of steel and steel products, with operating facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Products produced include: carbon and alloy steel -- in bars, beams, sheet and plate; hollow structural section tubing; electrical conduit; steel piling; steel joists and joist girders; steel deck; fabricated concrete reinforcing steel; cold finished steel; precision castings; steel fasteners; metal building systems; steel grating; and wire and wire mesh. Nucor, through The David J. Joseph Company, also brokers ferrous and nonferrous metals, pig iron and hot briquetted iron / DRI; supplies ferro-alloys; and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap. Nucor is North America's largest recycler.


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SOURCE Nucor Corporation




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